



Generic for distilled high proof spirit-based aperitif bitters flavored with anise other herbs - containing wormwood. Used mainly in simple cocktails showcasing it, many more cocktails citing it were actually formulated for the use of absinthe substitutes like Herbsaint or post-1913 Pernod. Absinthe bans were enacted in many countries in the 1912-1915 period due, in part, to the allegedly deleterious effects of the thujone-laden wormword, and in part to the indigence, and crime associated with the burgeoning consumption of alcohol as a result of the move from agrarian to industrial society and the urban blight associated therewith. Absinthe enjoyed a (continuing) rebirth of popularity in the late 1990s largely founded upon its mythical taboo status. Many new brands of widely varying qualities and quality have appeared based on tenuous historical pretexts.


bitter, anise and herbal


Limited availability. Produced and sold in Europe. Known to be distributed in France and Switzerland and parts of United Kingdom and Europe. Export and/or distribution unreliable. Rarely exported. Regional. Available for on-line ordering in some markets.


Absente, Herbsaint, Pernod, Ricard, other pastis